The Sarah Slean Mailing List

Welcome Welcome to the webpage for the Sarah Slean mailing list, Navy-Soup! Sarah Slean is a Toronto-based singer-songwriter. For more information about Sarah, please see one of the sites under the "Links" section below.
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List Archives

List archives are available at

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Announcements February 2, 1999: The results of the first list contest, for which the prize was free admission to Sarah's recent show at the Rivoli in Toronto. The contest was to come up with the best story using a number of words supplied by Gian. Click here for the results and the stories
List Charter The list charter, reproduced here, is obtained when you subscribe to the list. You can also obtain it by sending a message to with the words info navy-soup in the body of the message. NB: Because of the necessary conversion-to-HTML, this version may be slightly out of date from the live one on

1. What is this list?

This mailing list is about Canadian musical artist Sarah Slean.

2. Administrative stuff.

  • The address to send list messages to is
  • To subscribe to the list, send a message containing just 'subscribe navy-soup' to To unsubscribe from the list, send a message containing just 'unsubscribe navy-soup' to
  • There is also a digest version of the list. To subscribe to/unsubscribe from the digest version, send a message containing 'subscribe navy-soup-digest' to
  • You are reading the information for the non-digest version of the list.
  • To switch from reflected to digest version, or vice-versa, send a message unsubscribing from one, then subscribing to the other.
  • To talk to the listowners, send mail to:

3. List Etiquette.

This is an unmoderated mailing list serving primarily as a place where people can talk about Sarah Slean's music, her career and anything else loosely asociated with these ends. But other times it is not. As such, the amount of Sarah content may be exceeded by off-topic banter. [If off-topic discussions are not to your liking, you might give the Sarah Slean Announcements list a try, see section 5 below.]

Discussions may end up all over the map, so please try to help others filter such messages. A common way to do this is to add a label in front of your e-mail titles (such as OAC for 'Other Artist Content' or NSC for 'No Sarah Content'.) The atmosphere of any mailing list is dependent on the contributions of its members - don't be shy! This list aims to establish a sense of community between the people who appreciate Sarah's music, so join the family!

Also, remember that this is a public forum where each message is seen by *many* people. No topics are expressly banned from list conversation, but some topics often tend to incite a great deal of debate and emotion. Disagreement with others is fine, but flaming is *NOT* welcome. *PLEASE* _always_ consider how your post will be received before you send it. It is usually wisest to not rise to the occasion and flame someone in a public forum. Name calling and public embarrassment are *NOT* good form. If you must respond in such a tone, please consider e-mailing a person privately.

And if you quite obviously break common e-mail ettiquette, you will be sent an email reminding you of this section. Who knows, you might even be forced to watch Three Stooges films until you break down in tears. It will depend on the day.


Discussions of bootlegging: These are discouraged in order to honor the views of Sarah and her management. From her manager: "She's quite a perfectionist about her music and wants nothing more than to ensure that her vision of her work is what is passed on to the people who care enough to listen."

4. List Prohibitions

You may be unsubbed if your mail bounces repeatedly for more than 24 hours, or for repeated violations of the two rules listed below.

  • Absolutely *NO HTML* encoded mail.
  • Absolutely *NO BINARIES*. If you have something you want people to see, put it up on the web and send the URL to the list.

5. Other places to go for information.

Mailing Lists:

Announcements-only mailing list
Gian Covello runs an announcements-only mailing list. To subscribe, send a message to either or with "Subscribe Sarah Slean" (without the quotes) in the **Subject** and you will get an automatic response.

Web Sites:

Official Sarah Slean website offers all kinds of information on Sarah Slean and her music - discographies, lyrics, sound bites, bios, tour dates, and merchandise.
Navy Soup web page: the homepage for this list, which, at present, contains only this document (in case you lose it, or something)

6. Completely irrelevant stuff.

The following line is only for the automated system at - everyone else can ignore it.

private list restricted list closed list may not be archived

Listowners The listowners are Brian Wilson ( and Julian Dunn ( Administrative mail should be sent to

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