welcome to headline-girl

hello, aquarius!

Welcome to the official homepage of headline-girl, an Internet mailing list for fans of Canadian singer-songwriter Emm Gryner. The list is hosted by the kind folks at smoe.org.


If you are not subscribed to headline-girl, and you are a fan of Emm Gryner, why not subscribe today? Find out when Emm is playing near you, discuss past and future Emm shows with like-minded Emm fans, and meet lots of cool people!

Just fill out the following form and become a headliner today!

your e-mail: subscribe to: headline-girl or headline-girl-digest


  • To subscribe to the loose-mail version of the list, send a message containing the phrase "subscribe headline-girl" in the body of the message to majordomo@smoe.org.
  • To subscribe to the digest version of the list, send a message containing the phrase "subscribe headline-girl-digest" in the body of the message to majordomo@smoe.org.
  • If you have problems with your subscription, please write the listowner (that's me) at owner-headline-girl@smoe.org.

list archives

The smoe daemon archives the digests at http://www.smoe.org/lists/headline-girl/. You may use the following form to search the archives:

Match: Format: Sort by:

Please note that to avoid putting excessive strain on SMOE's servers, the database is only updated three times every month; hence, posts from the last two weeks may not yet be available here.

list FAQ

The list FAQ is the same as the notice you get when you subscribe to the list. It describes some of the [few] rules of the list.


In the very near future we will be having some list contests for subscribers only. Subscribe to the list to avoid missing out!

related links

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