Mail-For: <fte@aquezada.com>
From: "Chris Bryant" <bryantc@erols.com>
To: fte@yoyo.cc.monash.edu.au
Date: Wed, 14 Jan 1998 19:14:23 -0500
Reply-to: bryantc@erols.com
X-nder: owner-fumbling-towards-ecstasy@yoyo.cc.monash.edu.au
The following Fumblers should recieve a standing ovation for their
plethora of generosity:
Holly Foltz hollyfoltz@hotmail.com
Julie Whitehurst bjoseph@voicenet.com
Sarah Bolen sbolen@mindspring.com
Nitin Anand Shadowlion@aol.com
DK Blanar dk_blanar@tamcomm.com
Jennifer Davidow jennifer@fumbling.com
Mel Boysen mel@pyrotechnics.com
Tass Chapman tass@easynet.on.ca
Jennifer Prybutok Jenn529@aol.com
Megan Koster darkeyes@darkwing.uoregon.edu
Johan Braennlund m94jbr@student.tdb.uu.se
Amy Lotsberg lotsler@aol.com
Andrea andyc@istar.ca
Angela Bird purple_aura@hotmail.com
Becky Mikulin c718984@showme.missouri.edu
Brian Wilson bloo@blooberry.com
Chris Bryant bryantc@erols.com
Christine besoin@primary.net
Dennis Moore dennis_moore@bc.sympatico.ca
Doug McPhile McPhile@aol.com
Edward Thai corblimy@creative.net
Emily Best Xfilegrrl@aol.com
Emily Mills BaThAcKeR@aol.com
Grace Dessert sweet83103@aol.com
Grace Wong grwong@oanet.com
Greg Gladman greg@gladman.com
Heather Rhoades fjrhoa@postoffice.ptd.net
Holly Roberts t57her@morgan.ucs.mun.ca
James Mercer JMercer97@aol.com
Jason Christian JMChristn@aol.com
Jen Havener painfulconvictions@juno.com
Jennifer Andrews Voxfyre@aol.com
Jessica 00jnweiser@bsuvc.bsu.edu
Jessica Thaler jethaler@hooked.net
Joel Hollingsworth jkholl@cs.wm.edu
John Stewart nwprotective@seanet.com
Jonathan Buel nois@worldnet.att.net
Jonathan Stooner stooner@geocities.com
Josh Burnett burnettj@scils.rutgers.edu
Kathryn Easter rabbit@pathcom.com
Leanne Grant umgrantl@cc.UManitoba.ca
Lina Correia stephlina.babes@sympatico.ca
Lindsay McLaren novocast@hotmail.com
Lisa Rabey lisa@simunye.com
Malanai Morris swwerth@goo.pcanything.com
Mark Frabotta markfrab@microsoft.com
Michael Augello bn675@Freenet.buffalo.edu
Michelle Tatlock tursiopslover@juno.com
Mike Jackson mjackson@mail.coin.missouri.edu
Mona S Sissie515@aol.com
Sandy Clyde SandyClyde@aol.com
Shannon Gallagher Hvnsnt20@worldnet.att.net
Steph jannetts@idcomm.com
Susan Backes White SEBW@aol.com
Taleisha Smith taleisha@mailexcite.com
Troy Anderson fteinsea@nwlink.com
I know that I am applauding each and every one of you on that list.
Original Project Message
Mail-For: <fte@aquezada.com>
From: "Chris Bryant" <bryantc@erols.com>
To: fte@yoyo.cc.monash.edu.au
Date: Sat, 3 Jan 1998 18:22:21 -0500
Subject: Fumbler B-day Project 98
Reply-to: bryantc@erols.com
X-nder: owner-fumbling-towards-ecstasy@yoyo.cc.monash.edu.au
Well, now that the new year is here and a whole lot of the list is
turning towards the negative aspect of life here I will try and steer
us back in the right direction.
Over the past few years there has been a List Card project for Sarah
on her birthday. I found myself regretting not participating each
time. This year I propose that we do something a bit different.
Some of you may have read the posts that I have made in regards to
the Habitat for Humanity Extraordinary Gifts Program. I find this is
the most rewarding gift to give someone that you do not know on a
very personal level. The list card has been done and I don't think
the sentiments of the years gone by can be taken up a notch so I
suggest that we go this way instead.
So far I have heard from a few people saying that they would be
happy to participate however no where near the amount of people that
I think should be able to help out. So in the next few weeks I would
like to take things to the next level and proceed with this project
as hopefully the 'official' list project.
What I would like to do is start by asking those of you who would
wish to participate to start by taking the time to send a private
mail to me with a few of the following details:
1. Name
2. Address
3. Phone Number (Day/Evening)
4. Pledged Amount
Once I receive the email your name will be added to the list of those
whose names would go on the card and I will then send you added
details as to where to send your check and details on how to get in
touch with me.
I would like to have a two week pledge period before anyone starts
sending money so that we will have an idea of the size of the
donation that we will be making to this wonderful cause.
For those of you who are worried, there is no such thing as a
donation that is too small. I know there are many of us here that
cannot afford more than $5 or $10 for something like this, but those
donations add up. So please, dig deep and come up with a few dollars
to support this cause and help send Sarah a gift that I am sure she
will never forget.
Christopher N. D. Bryant bryantc@erols.com
"You look good wearing my future."...-Eric Stolz!
"...can you look out the window without your shadow getting in the way"
-Sarah McLachlan
This has been a post from the fumbling-towards-ecstasy list.
To unsubscribe from this list, send a message containing
'unsubscribe fumbling-towards-ecstasy' to Majordomo@yoyo.cc.monash.edu.au.
To send a message to the list, send it to fte@yoyo.cc.monash.edu.au.
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